Song List for
Who Is Jesus?
40 Pictures to Share with Your Family:
In our book, Who is Jesus? 40 Pictures to Share with Your Family, we offer songs suggestions for each day's lesson. All songs correspond in some way to the day's reading, though you may sometimes need to read every verse of a hymn to find the connection! The Hymnary link, when provided, will help you find what number the song is in your hymnal, as well as lyrics and sometimes also piano accompaniment. Or perhaps you prefer to sing along with a YouTube lyric video, or just listen to a new song while you clean up supper and do dishes. Use this list however it serves your family. Also, if you'd like to suggest a new song for me to add to the list, send me a message!
Day 1
Jesus Is the Firstborn Over All Creation
“Creation Sings the Father’s Song,” Keith and Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend
“All Things Together,” Andrew Peterson
“Jesus Christ Is the Same,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“Mystery,” Todd Smith, Angela Smith, Selah
“Across the Lands,” Keith and Kristyn Getty
Day 2
Jesus Is the Serpent Crusher
“Nothing but the Blood of Jesus,” Robert Lowry
“Grace Greater Than Our Sin,” Julia H. Johnston
“For God So Loved the World,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“Christ Is Risen,” Matt Maher
Day 3
Jesus Is the Ark and the Door
“God Rescues Noah from the Storm,” Sally Lloyd-Jones, Flo Paris, Rain for Roots
“Great Is Thy Faithfulness,” Thomas O. Chisholm
Day 4
Jesus Is the One through Whom the World Is Blessed
“Father Abraham,” traditional children’s song Action Video
“By Faith,” Stuart Townend, Keith and Kristyn Getty
“Sometimes by Step,” Rich Mullins
Day 5
Jesus Is the Lab God Has Provided
“Behold the Lamb of God,” Andrew Peterson
“My Faith Looks Up to Thee,” Ray Palmer
“Hallelujah for the Cross,” Ross King
“Just as I Am, without One Plea,” Charlotte Elliott
“Christ the True and Better,” Matt Boswell, Keith Getty, Matt Papa, Live video, Lyric video
Day 6
Jesus Is the Stairway to Heaven
“Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” Robert Robinson
“Nearer My God to Thee,” Sarah Flower Adams
“I Love to Tell the Story,” Kate Hankey, William Fischer
“Heavenly Sunlight,” Henry Zelley
Day 7
Jesus Is the Betrayed and the Savior
“Wonderful, Merciful Savior,” Dawn Rodgers, Eric Wyse
“In All Things,” Randall Goodgame. Slugs & Bugs
“My Savior’s Love,” Charles H. Gabriel.
“Beautiful Savior,” Joseph Seiss
Day 8
Jesus Is the Deliverer
“Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah,” William Williams
“My Deliverer Is Coming,” Rich Mullins. Audio only
“Christ the True and Better,” Matt Boswell, Keith Getty, Matt Papa, Live video, Lyric video
Day 9
Jesus Is the Passover Lamb
“Passover Us,” Andrew Peterson
“Behold the Lamb (Communion Hymn),” Keith and Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend. Lyric video
“Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It,” Fanny Crosby.Hymnary
Day 10
Jesus Is the Rock Moses Struck
“Rock of Ages,” Augustus Toplady
“There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood,” William Cowper
“Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross,” Fanny Crosby
“Christ Our Hope in Life and Death,” Jordan Kauflin, Keith Getty, Matt Boswell, Matt Merker, Matt Papa
Day 11
Jesus is the Mediator
“Abide with Me,” Henry Francis Lyte
“Blessed Redeemer,” Avis B. Christiansen, Casting Crowns
“Plead for Me,” Sovereign Grace Music. Sovereign Grace
“A Face That Shone,” Michael Card
Day 12
Jesus Is the Tabernacle
“Holy, Holy, Holy,” Reginald Heber
“Better Is One Day,” Matt Redman
“In the Beginning,” Randall Goodgame. Slugs & Bugs
Day 13
Jesus Is the Mercy Seat
“Nothing but the Blood,” Robert Lowry
“The Power of the Cross,” Stuart Townend, Keith Getty Gettys
“My God How Wonderful Thou Art,” Frederick William Faber
Day 14
Jesus Is the One Who is Lifted Up
“Lift High the Cross,” George Kitchin, Michael Newbolt
“Worthy Is the Lamb,” Darlene Zschech
“Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross,” Fanny Crosby
Day 15
Jesus Is the Star from Jacob and the Scepter from Israel
“There Shall a Star Come out of Jacob,” Felix Mendelssohn
“Glory,” JJ Heller
“O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright,” Philipp Nicolai, Catherine Winkworth
“Jacob’s Star,” Michael Card
Day 16
Jesus Is Our Kinsman Redeemer
“Matthew’s Begats,” Andrew Peterson
“Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It,” Fanny Crosby
“I Will Sing of My Redeemer,” Philip P. Bliss
Day 17
Jesus Is the Great High Priest
“Before the Throne of God Above,” Charitie Lees Bancroft, Vikki Cook
“Jesus, My Only Hope,” Mark Altrogge
“It Was Finished Upon That Cross,” CityAlight
Day 18
Jesus Is the Son of David
“O Worship the King All Glorious Above,” Robert Grant
“Rejoice, the Lord Is King,” Charles Wesley
“He Shall Reign,” Laura Hackett Park, Ben Shive
“Once in Royal David’s City,” Cecil Alexander
“Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus,” Charles Wesley
“So Long, Moses,” Andrew Peterson
“Christ the True and Better,” Matt Boswell, Keith Getty, Matt Papa
Day 19
Jesus Is the Our Great Prophet
“In the Beginning,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“I Know That My Redeemer Lives,” Samuel Medley
“Join All the Glorious Names,” Isaac Watts, Bob Kauflin
Day 20
Jesus Is Greater than Jonah
“The Lord Is My Salvation,” Keith and Kristyn Getty
“This Joyful Eastertide,” George Ratcliffe Woodward
“O Praise the Name (Anástasis),” Benjamin Hastings, Dean Ussher, Marty Sampson
“Jesus Stops a Storm,” Sally Lloyd-Jones, Sandra McCracken, Katy Bowser, Rain for Roots
Day 21
Jesus Is the Horn of Our Salvation
“Zechariah’s Prophecy,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” Martin Luther
“Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah,” William Williams
“More Than Conquerors,” Rend Collective​
Day 22
Jesus Is the Prince of Peace
“Joy Has Dawned,” Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
“Unto Us a Child Is Born,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“Crown Him with Many Crowns,” Matthew Bridges
“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” Charles Wesley, George Whitefield
“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,” Edward Parronet
Day 23
Jesus Is the Son of God
“To God Be the Glory,” Fanny Crosby
“Man of Sorrows, What a Name,” Philip P. Bliss
“Before the Throne of God Above,” Charitie Lees Bancroft, Vikki Cook
Day 24
Jesus Is the Miracle Worker
“Our God,” Chris Tomlin
“I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say,” Horatius Bonar
“I Love to Tell the Story,” Kate Hankey, William Fischer
Day 25
Jesus Is the Cleanser
“Whiter Than Snow,” James Nicholson. Hymnary
“Grace Greater Than Our Sin,” Julia H. Johnston
“Nothing but the Blood of Jesus,” Robert Lowry
Day 26
Jesus Is the Living Water
“Living Water,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“The Well,” JJ Heller
“Living Waters,” Kristyn Getty, Ed Cash
“The Goodness of Jesus,” CityAlight
“God So Loved,” Andrew Bergthold, Ed Cash, Franni Cash, Martin Cash, and Scott Cash, We The Kingdom
Day 27
Jesus Is the Bread of Life
“Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah,” William Williams.
“Behold the Lamb (Communion Hymn),” Keith and Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend​
Day 28
Jesus Is the Light of the World
“Let Your Light Shine,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“Be Thou My Vision,” Eleanor Hull, Mary Byrne
“The Light of the World Is Jesus,” Philip P. Bliss. Hymnary
Day 29
Jesus Is the I AM
“Jesus Christ Is the Same,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“Surely God Is with Us,” Rich Mullins​​
“What Wondrous Love Is This,” traditional hymn
“Before the Throne of God Above,” Charitie Lees Bancroft, Vikki Cook
Day 30
Jesus Is the Good Shepherd
“Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me,” Mary Lundy Duncan, Keith and Kristyn Getty​
“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us,” Dorothy A. Thrupp
“The Good Shepherd,” Fernando Ortega
“Yet Not I, but Through Christ in Me,” CityAlight
Day 31
Jesus Is the Resurrection and the Life
“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us,” Stuart Townend
“And Can It Be,” Charles Wesley
“Who Is He in Yonder Stall,” Benjamin Hanby
“I Will Rise,” Chris Tomlin
Day 32
Jesus Is Our Triumphant King
“To the King Sing Hosanna,” Keith and Kristyn Getty
“Lead On, O King Eternal,” Ernest Shurtleff
“Hosanna, Loud Hosanna,” Jeanette Threlfall.
Day 33
Jesus Is the Way, the Truth, and the Life
“I Am the Way,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“That Where I Am There You May Also Be,” Rich Mullins
“Behold the Lamb (Communion Hymn),” Keith and Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend
“To God Be the Glory,” Fanny Crosby
Day 34
Jesus Is the True Vine
“I Am the Vine,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“Abide with Me,” Henry Francis Lyte
Day 35
Jesus Is the Suffering Servant
“Man of Sorrows, What a Name,” Philip Bliss
“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” Isaac Watts
“O Sacred Head Now Wounded,” Bernard of Clairvaux
“You Are the Christ,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“By His Wounds,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“Is He Worthy?” Andrew Peterson
Day 36
Jesus Is the Firstfruits
“Christ the Lord Is Risen Today,” Charles Wesley
“Low in the Grave He Lay,” Robert Lowry. Hymnary
“Because He Lives,” Bill and Gloria Gaither
“Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed,” Keith and Kristyn Getty, Ed Cash
“See What a Morning,” Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
Day 37
Jesus Is the Son of Man
“Crown Him with Many Crowns,” Matthew Bridges
“Rejoice, the Lord Is King,” Charles Wesley
“Jesus Shall Reign,” Isaac Watts
“Beautiful Savior,” Joseph Augustus Seiss
“Jesus Came to Earth,” Bob Kauflin, Dave Campbell, Solomon Campbell, Sovereign Grace Music
“There Is a Higher Throne,” Keith and Kristyn Getty
Day 38
Jesus Is the Sender of the Spirit
“When the Fullness of Time Had Come,” Randall Goodgame, Slugs & Bugs
“Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God,” Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
“Dwell in Me, O Blessed Spirit,” Fanny Crosby. Hymnary
“Shine, Jesus, Shine,” Graham Kendrick. Maranatha! Music
“There Is a Redeemer,” Melody Green. Cedarmont Kids
Day 39
Jesus Is the Last Adam
“By the Sea of Crystal,” William Kuipers
“And Can It Be?” Charles Wesley
“Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery,” Matt Boswell, Michael Bleecker, Matt Papa
“Behold Our God,” Jonathan Baird, Meghan Baird, Ryan Baird, Stephen Altrogge, Sovereign Grace Music
“Christ the True and Better,” Matt Boswell, Keith Getty, Matt Papa, Live video, Lyric video
Day 40
Jesus Is the Bridegroom
“In Christ Alone,” Keith Getty, Stuart Townend
“In My Father’s House,” Steve Green
“Redemption,” JJ Heller
“The Church’s One Foundation,” Samuel J. Stone
“When We All Get to Heaven,” Eliza E. Hewitt

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