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Honestly I find it a little awkward to talk about myself. But if you're here, I guess you want to know a bit about me!

I've had the desire to be a writer for a long time, but as with many things in life, it's been a slow journey. I've always been passionate about finding good resources to share with my family, especially ones that teach my kids more about the Bible and strengthen their faith. My deep hope is that they know and love God! Not only do I desire to find these resources, but I want to take part in creating them.


Currently I'm a stay-at-home mom, but before having kids I taught middle schoolers. I LOVED teaching Bible in the classroom, and today I enjoy teaching my own kids, as well as kids in our local church.

I also love music and enjoy using that gift in the church as well as during our family worship time. My husband and I actually met in choir, so you can imagine what our house sounds like. I've also been known to sing directions to my kids to help me keep my cool...not that they always like it!



I'm married to Joe, who is an illustrator. We love collaborating on projects together, and while in many ways we are opposites, it's clear that God made us to complement each other. We are both graduates of Dordt University, where we met. We make our home in Pella, Iowa, and enjoy participating in the annual Tulip Festival celebrating our Dutch heritage.


Joe is the illustrator of more than a dozen books, including the Good News for Little Hearts series and The Moon is Always Round. Joe also enjoys making fine art, especially Iowa landscapes. He's always doodling and posts many of his sketches on social media. Check it out! He's a super fun person to follow if you want your social feed to make you smile.


Prior to becoming a full-time artist, Joe taught elementary and high school art, and today he uses those skills during speaking engagements and simply making art with our kids. He holds a masters degree in Art Education and would love to one day write a Christian art curriculum.

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These four kids are so precious to me!
What lovely encouragers they have been to their mama.


We believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God.

It's the beautiful true story of creation, fall, and redemption,

and God still speaks to us through His Word, the Bible, today.


We believe in one God, eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and always with us.


We believe God created the world and everything in it.

We believe man was created in God's image,

and man's purpose is to love, glorify, and enjoy God forever.


We believe that we are all sinful, and our sin separates us from God.

We deserve death, and we are incapable of attaining our own salvation.


We believe that Jesus Christ, born of the virgin Mary, is fully God and fully man.

We believe He lived a sinless life.


We believe Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again.

He defeated death!


We believe Jesus ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father.

And we believe that He will come again to rule and reign!

God not only rescues lost sinners, but He also restores all creation.


We believe we are saved by grace through faith, not by works.

Jesus is the only way to the Father.


We believe the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, is our counselor, comforter, and keeper.

The Spirit lives in our hearts, convicting us of our sin and helping us in our weakness.

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