Not as glamorous as you may think, but perhaps more heart-warming.
*Some depictions may be slightly imagined or exaggerated for comic effect.
Kate grew up near Chicago in a family that valued faith, books, music, and family traditions.
Joe grew up on a farm in southern Iowa in a family that cultivated faith, art, music and hard work.
In 2005, the farm boy and city girl tied the knot.
February 2016
The idea for Who is Jesus? was born.
Kate began writing in the afternoons while her wonderfully supportive mom watched the kids.
May 2017
Joe and Kate's youngest child was born,
and Kate's mom was diagnosed with cancer. Writing came to a halt for quite a while.
February 2019
Kate finished her rough draft and was
able to share it with her mom.
Five months later her mom went to heaven.
February-April 2020
A small group of lovely people read
Who is Jesus? during Lent and provided Joe and Kate with valuable feedback and encouragement.
September 2020
Joe completed all forty interior illustrations and then began work on the cover and layout.
Kate meanwhile spent lots of time editing.
January-March 2021
Joe and Kate prepared to launch a Kickstarter to fund the printing of their book.
As they counted down to launch, they heard from two different publishers expressing interest.
March 10, 2021
Joe and Kate signed a contract with
New Growth Press and celebrated by eating ice cream bars with their kids.
Summer & Fall 2021
Joe and Kate worked with the wonderful team at
New Growth Press to make this book even better!
Finally it was time to send the books to the printer.
February 2022 - Present
Who Is Jesus? is now available!
We pray that many families will learn and grow by sharing this book together.